Digital Upskilling for All! Final Conference

Digital Upskilling for All! Final Conference

After two successful virtual events, ETNO and UNI Europa have held an on-line our final conference of the project Digital Upskilling For All! (DUFA) in Lisbon, Portugal, on 23-24 May 2022.

The European social partners for the telecommunications sector  have been working on the “Digital Upskilling for All!” project (DUFA!) since the beginning of 2020.

DUFA! is a social dialogue project (co-financed by the EU) with the aim to develop best practices related to digital upskilling, inclusion and diversity to serve as examples for the workforce of the European telecommunications sector. The project was steered by a group of 14 key experts from UNI Europa ICTS and ETNO

The event consolidated the results from the project research and the previous round table discussions as well as to expanded the debate on digital upskilling pathways for other diversities in the telecom/ICT sector. It included panel discussions, workshops, brainstorming and networking to foster the understanding of our experts on Digital upskilling, diversity, and inclusion.

Here is a link to the relevant milestones of the DUFA Project!

Meetings & Events




PHSDialogue Project: 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session in Brussels 14 May

14 May 2024, 9h-16h CET | UNI Europa & EFSI Offices in Brussels

- Joint UNI & EFFAT Preparatory Meeting (morning, UNI Europa office)
- 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session (afternoon, EFSI office)

UNI Care Europa affiliates can register using the registration form below.



Protected: Commerce and Tourism EWC Network – 22 May 2024




Commerce and Tourism EWC network meeting