Public procurement: ending the race to the bottom on workers’ conditions


Public procurement: ending the race to the bottom on workers’ conditions

The essence of democracy is not just the freedom to speak—it is the freedom to have a say.

That is why unions across Europe are today launching a campaign to call for a simple but profound change to public-procurement legislation in the European Union, which would guarantee that working people have a say. We are calling for public contracts to be awarded only to companies that have collective-bargaining agreements with their workers.

Read the opinion piece by Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa: Public procurement: ending the race to the bottom on workers’ conditions.

Meetings & Events




PHSDialogue Project: 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session in Brussels 14 May

14 May 2024, 9h-16h CET | UNI Europa & EFSI Offices in Brussels

- Joint UNI & EFFAT Preparatory Meeting (morning, UNI Europa office)
- 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session (afternoon, EFSI office)

UNI Care Europa affiliates can register using the registration form below.



Protected: Commerce and Tourism EWC Network – 22 May 2024




Commerce and Tourism EWC network meeting