Working Sectors & Groups

Much of UNI's work happens through its sectors and groups. Get the latest by clicking on a sector below.

Agency Workers

UNI Europa Agency Workers aims to improve the conditions of temporary agency staff and ensure equal treatment for temporary agency workers in Europe.


With affiliate unions, UNI Care supports organizing workers, growing collective bargaining and building a fairer care sector with dignity, decent wages, stronger unions and safer working conditions.  

Cleaning / Security

UNI Europa Property Services represents cleaners and private security workers across Europe. We coordinate the European Works Councils in the sector and European sectoral Social Dialogue committees.


UNI’s Commerce sector unites retail, e-commerce and wholesale unions from across Europe to tackle workers’ most pressing issues such as violence and harassment, precarious jobs, low wages and the impact of digitalization. In supermarkets, warehouses, distribution centres, fast-fashion stores, and more, UNI Commerce and its affiliate unions organize for fair pay, dignity on the job and safe workplaces.


UNI Europa Finance represents 100 trade unions and 1.5 million workers across Europe’s central banks, banking and insurance sectors.


UNI Europa Gaming unites workers in casinos, bingos, lotteries, betting shops and other gambling enterprises. We stand for workers’ rights and transparent, fair and well-regulated gaming industry.

Graphical & Packaging

UNI Europa Graphical and Packaging represents over 350,000 members of the Publishing, Printing and Packaging Industry in Europe, through over 40 affiliated graphical national trade unions.

Hair & Beauty

UNI Europa Hair & Beauty is the European Union for hairdressers and beauticians. We represent 17 trade unions in 13 countries.

ICT & Related Services

UNI Information, Communication, Technology and Services (ICTS) represents over 3 million workers around the world.

Media, Entertainment & Arts

The European Region of the Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of Union Global Union (UNI MEI), represents over 70 unions and guilds in the media, entertainment and arts sector in Europe. The membership of its affiliates includes technicians, screenwriters, film directors and other workers in broadcasting, cinema, theatre as well as in visual arts.

Post & Logistics

UNI Europa Post & Logistics is the European Union for the postal and logistics industry. We represent 50 trade unions and one million workers in 34 countries.

Property Services


World Players