UNI Europa commits to developing inclusive gender policies

UNI Europa commits to developing inclusive gender policies

UNI Europa has adopted a resolution acknowledging the unique concerns of trans workers on the first day of its conference on 27 April. The motion aims to help build a more inclusive and equal European trade union movement.

“Our values as trade unionists include fighting for the rights of all, and particularly for marginalised workers,” said Erika Kahara, UNI Europa Women’s Committee Vice-President, PAM, Finland.

The resolution also calls for equal representation for women in debates and decisions in UNI Europa structures, surpassing the 40% benchmark that currently exists. Women make up 51% of members at UNI Europa.

“We strongly believe that for true gender equality to exist, women need equal access to decision-making positions to best influence and implement policies to bring about gender equality,” said Amel Djemail, UNI Europa Equal Opportunities Director.

In adopting the resolution, UNI Europa sectors, groups and affiliates agreed to:

  • Commit to guaranteeing women’s equal participation in all debates and decisions within all structures of the organisation
  • Restate that equal opportunities are fundamental rights and reiterates the imperative of full and equal access to all decision-making bodies. In order to fully ensure this principle, UNI Europa structures will aim for gender balance.
  • Commit to develop a more inclusive and diverse policy to ensure the protection and the rights of intersex and trans workers within UNI Europa.

Europa has been a forerunner in the fight for equality, pioneering the adoption and implementation of UNI Global Union’s 40% women’s representation rule, which has delivered real change to trade unions around the world.

For further information, please contact UNI Europa Equal Opportunities Director, Amel Djemail.

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Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – 3rd Steering Group Meeting – 10 September 2024


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