UNI Europa launches 2-year cross-sectoral project on improving due diligence in practice


Due Diligence

UNI Europa launches 2-year cross-sectoral project on improving due diligence in practice


Last week a workshop attended by affiliates from across sectors has kicked-off the project “improving due diligence in practice: an opportunity for workers’ involvement, information and consultation and strengthened trade union networks”.

Spanning over 2 years and steered by a group of key experts from UNI and Séverine Picard of Progressive Policies, the project aims to equip affiliates with practical knowledge and concrete tools on how trade union representatives can have a seat at the table in company due diligence processes.

This hands-on project will consist of a series of training sessions focusing on workers’ involvement, information and consultation. The sessions will also provide participants with a space to share good practice. A toolkit will also be developed in order to further empower unions and strengthen trade union networks, providing information on: the need for effective due diligence, the role for trade union and worker representatives, and step by step guidance on the due diligence process.

Mandatory human rights due diligence is especially needed to address the crisis in respect for the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining around the world. We have seen European companies across the service sectors – from health care giant Fresenius to contact centre behemoth Teleperformance – undermining these fundamental rights.

UNI will continue to support the important calls from the ETUC and ECCJ for the legislation.

For further information please contact us.

This initiative has received financial support from the European Union.

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timing: 9:30 to 12:00



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Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – 3rd Steering Group Meeting – 10 September 2024


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