Webinar: due diligence lessons from the services sectors


Webinar: due diligence lessons from the services sectors

Mandatory human rights due diligence is on the horizon, with the commitment from the European Commission to introduce an initiative and traction for national level legislation across many EU member states. Much debate however remains on what exactly the legislation should look like on core questions including the scope of businesses covered and how it should be enforced.

Hearing from workers directly and UNI’s experience of holding companies accountable for their due diligence, the event will discuss the concrete issues at play behind the legislative discussion. From these real examples of corporate practice, the event will examine lessons for effective due diligence legislation – with a spotlight on the needs for ensuring workers’ rights in the service sectors.

Participants will then hear expectations for the substance of due diligence legislation on these themes from multinational businesses, policymakers, and advocates in the trade union movement and civil society.

Speakers include:

  • Lara Wolters, MEP
  • Susanne Knöfel, Deputy Head of Company Law Unit, DG JUST, European Commission
  • Isabelle Schömann, Confederal Secretary, ETUC
  • Claudia Saller, Coordinator, ECCJ
  • Ruben Zandvliet, Social Sustainability Advisor, ABN AMRO
  • Christy Hoffman, General Secretary, UNI Global Union
  • Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary, UNI Europa

The event will be held from 9-11 am CET on 8th December in English. Please register here.

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Commerce/Tourism EWC Network Meeting


timing: 9:30 to 12:00



Commerce Steering Committee Meeting




Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – 3rd Steering Group Meeting – 10 September 2024


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