Forward through Collective Bargaining February 2024


The UNI Europa newsletter from February 2024.

Forward through Collective Bargaining February 2024




Forward through collective bargaining

February 2024


Victory: Amazon lobbyists to be banned from European Parliament

After weeks of mounting pressure by trade unions, civil society and Members of the European Parliament, Amazon lobbyists will be banned from the institution’s premises. This is a major victory for corporate accountability.


Irish unions announce first trade union week

The week of coordinated events in workplaces and local communities across the island of Ireland could be “the largest mobilisation of trade union members in decades”.


Landmark agreement elevates wages and benefits of 100,000 private security workers in Italy

A renewed national collective bargaining agreement is set to bring about tangible improvements to 100,000 workers in the private security sector in Italy.

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In case you missed it


UNI Europa Manifesto: “Towards a European Union That Puts Workers First”


UNI Global Union and CIRSA sign global agreement on workers’ rights and corporate responsibility


New survey to improve Personal & Household Services (PHS)


Ubisoft video game workers to strike for fair wages in France


Second union meeting with NBIM focuses on advancing workers’ rights, peace


European sectoral social partners in commerce to renew focus on the digital and green transition


European social Partners emphasise key priorities for EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation


Launch Event: Collective Bargaining Practices on AI and Algorithmic Management


EU takes action against baseless legal threats used to stop strikes


Trade unions and civil society back lawmakers’ call to ban Amazon lobbyists from European Parliament


Amazon Fresh workers in Italy demand better working conditions amid labour unrest


Organising remote workers


Bank workers in Portugal and Spain to stage 8 February demo


UNI-Europa–CoESS Joint Statement on Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination


The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: UNI Global Union calls on governments to not backslide on human rights commitments





Meetings & Events




Commerce/Tourism EWC Network Meeting


timing: 9:30 to 12:00



Commerce Steering Committee Meeting




Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – 3rd Steering Group Meeting – 10 September 2024


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