Forward through Collective Bargaining January 2024


The UNI Europa newsletter from January 2024.

Forward through Collective Bargaining January 2024



Forward through collective bargaining

January 2024

UNI Europa Manifesto: “Towards a European Union That Puts Workers First”

UNI Europa’s Manifesto for the 2024 European elections outlines three fundamental reforms to: Grow workers’ power. Strengthen collective bargaining. Fight austerity. Build Social Europe. Stop the Far Right. 

Share the manifesto on X or Facebook.


UNI Europa win: EU Commission commits to address problems with public procurement

For the first time, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit responded directly to the call of the European Parliament to revise the EU Public Procurement Directive.


EU Legislators support banning Amazon lobbyists from European Parliament

Amazon refused to attend a hearing in the European Parliament – and not for the first time. Now, EU legislators have had enough. They called for banning its lobbyists from the Parliament.


In case you missed it


Finland’s services workers are going on a political strike


UNI Europa Commerce launches EU-funded project on AI


Amazon’s labour unrest intensifies: Birmingham workers to strike on anniversary of UK’s first Amazon protest


Sweden: study shows 7 out of 10 retail workers work when sick


Italian opera workers secure first collective agreement in 20 years


UNI Europa survey makes resounding call for EU Directive on Psychosocial Risks


Public procurement debate in European Parliament: “Do not fund social dumping!”


A quadruple win for journalists in Türkiye


Val Duchesse summit sets path out of social dialogue gridlock



7  Sectoral SD Committee Temporary Agency Workers Working Group Meeting
7-8 UNI Europa Gaming regional meeting
Creative Skills Europe – Online Regional Meeting Southern Europe
14 PMWG Meeting
19 Panel on closing the gender pay gap in the European audiovisual industry
21-22 UNI Europa ICTS & Finance Arco Project
27 Commerce EWC Network Meeting

5 Sectoral SD Committee Postal Services Working Group Meeting
5 Commerce Steering Committee
63rd UNI Europa Management Committee
Working Group Meeting of the Eu Audiovisual Social Dialogue Committee – Online
11 UNI Europa ICTS Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Meeting
14 UNI Europa ICTS Steering Committee Meeting
14 UNI Europa Finance Insurance SD Preparatory Meeting
15 Insurance Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee Working Group Meeting
19 UNI Europa Finance Bank SD Preparatory Meeting
20 Bank Sectoral Social Dialogue Working Group Meeting

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Meetings & Events




Bank Sectoral Social Dialogue Plenary Meeting









Sectoral SD Committee Temporary Agency Workers Plenary Meeting

Agency Workers

Timing: TBC