The why and how of multi-employer bargaining

The why and how of multi-employer bargaining

The United Kingdom was one of the first countries in Europe to demolish the structures for working people to bargain collectively across whole sectors. As workers’ power fell, the ensuing period has seen relative wage stagnation and a dramatic reduction in the share of income going to labour. More recently, there has been a renewed fervour to bring back sector bargaining.

UNI Europa’s Policy and Research Director, Stan De Spiegelaere, wrote a piece for UK-based Unions21, titled The why and how of multi-employer bargaining.


Meetings & Events




PHSDialogue Project: 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session in Brussels 14 May

14 May 2024, 9h-16h CET | UNI Europa & EFSI Offices in Brussels

- Joint UNI & EFFAT Preparatory Meeting (morning, UNI Europa office)
- 1st PHS Social Dialogue Plenary Session (afternoon, EFSI office)

UNI Care Europa affiliates can register using the registration form below.



Protected: Commerce and Tourism EWC Network – 22 May 2024




Commerce and Tourism EWC network meeting