Final conference of the joint UNI Europa and COZZ Project: Strengthen Central Europe workers’ representation in Multinational Companies

Final conference of the joint UNI Europa and COZZ Project: Strengthen Central Europe workers’ representation in Multinational Companies

The state of collective bargaining in the V4 countries, as well as workers’ participation, information and consultation rights were at the centre of the conference that took place in Warsaw on 1-2.10, drawing 120 participants from over 20 trade union organisations from across Europe.

The conference was part of the joint UNI Europa and COZZ project entitled: “Strengthen Central Europe workers’ representation in Multinational Companies”. Trade union representatives from Commerce, Finance and Graphical sectors from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary took part in the conference as well as from Spain, Croatia, UK, Italy, Germany, Finland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Israel, Latvia, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

Nicola Konstantinou, Head of UNI Graphical said: “We need more working class democracy in CEE and across Europe!

Nikoletta Kiss, KASZ, Commerce, Hungary added: “What is important is that both activity of members and organizing approach are a solution to many problems of today’s unions.

Jana Szaszova, OS PPP, Finance, Slovakia said: “Social dumping in Europe is a big issue we need to deal with by transnational cooperation and unity”.

Alfred Bujara, NSZZ Solidarnosc, Commerce and Finance, Poland concluded: “Today we are much stronger and this is also thanks to our activity within international organisations. Today’s conference is the evidence of that strength. Exchange of experience, and the fact that we can take joint actions in Europe, is very important to us.”

A brochure summarising the project’s work was produced in English, Czech, Polish, and Slovak (click to access the publication).

As a continuity of the activities of this project UNI Europa and COZZ applied for a project called “Bridging the gap – increasing the knowledge and skills of Central European employees in representation in international companies”. Read more here

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